Poseico S.p.A. designs, manufactures, and tests its equipment according to the International Standards and Customers’ requirements and technical specifications.Thanks to its long experience as High Power Semiconductor devices designer and manufacturer and the goodwill of knowledge in the field of power conversion, Poseico S.p.A. is able to provide a wide range of products and services for industry, railways and urban transport, marine and specialized equipment for test rooms and laboratories for research and development.
Against a backdrop of growing competition on price and quality, Poseico S.p.A. renewed and reinvested on creating tight collaboration with customers and suppliers according to its mission of company deeply focused on innovation and product customization on specific requirement customer.

The result is tailor made and top solutions in terms of durability and performance based on Diode, Thyristor or IGBT technologies.
High flexibility, quick response, continuous training and an incessant update of designing tools are the major strengths of our company that includes a team of Mechanical, Electrical and Electronic Engineers capable to assist our customers in finding the most efficient solution for any System.
Thanks to the experience acquired in the design of high power semiconductors, power assemblies and power converters, Poseico S.p.A. is able to offer its customers also the Reeingineering Service of products / systems for which it is necessary to increase the functionality and remedy any obsolescence of the components used.