Available technology for onshore and onboard
Our engineering capabilities allow us to design power electronics solutions to meet shore and ship designers’ targets in terms of space, noise levels and performance. Our engineers flexibility in design ensure efficient and reliable life-cycle performance.
Ship To Shore
The rising cost of fossil fuels and growing awareness of carbon emissions and their impact on our environment is steering many shipping companies to review their power consumption requirements and move towards cheaper and more sustainable alternatives. EU Recommendation 2006/339/EU promotes the implementation of shoreside electrical facilities.
At the same time, discrepancies in frequency between ship and shore (50/60Hz) are driving demand for more intelligent landside solutions.
Poseico ACF5060 series of static frequency converter systems is a green solution permitting the use of alternative power systems allowing energy to be supplied from the wharf so that on-board diesel generators can be turned off in the harbour area.
Thanks to its adaptability to different kind of architecture, compact design and innovative liquid cooling system, Poseico ACF5060 series is able to satisfy different power needs from 840kVA up to 20 MVA and it may be supplied in portable structures for location at various points along the ship wharf or in central power houses for remote distribution to the ships.
Poseico ACF5060 series has a service life of 20+ years, providing long term economic benefits. The systems may be operated in parallel for increased power or to meet critical redundancy requirements
Poseico S.p.A. is currently involved in several projects to equip ports around the world with shore power systems.
On-Board electrical solutions for ships and vessels
Poseico S.p.A. is able to supply a wide range of energy storage solutions and marine batteries for use on ships or for hybrid marine and offshore applications.
The possibility of using energy storage systems in load levelling, peak shaving, power smoothing, and power quality improvement is a key add value of this technology to the shipping.
The hybridization of energy storage devices are expected to provide an extra support in future for larger cargo vessels and for larger routes as well.