Fast Switching Thyristors
Poseico shape

Fast Switching Thyristors


IEC60747-6 compliant

Highly reliable device in press-pack case

Low switching losses

High frequency application

Precise control of VT, tq and Qrr by electron irradiation

Junction temperature range: 120 – 125 °C


Induction melting

Induction heating

Medium frequency industrial drivers

Resonant power supplies

UPS and pulse power systems

Choppers, inverters and auxiliary system for traction applications

Poseico shape

Symmetrical Fast Switching Thyristors

Symmetrical Fast Switching Thyristors CASE VRRM VDRM min VRRM VDRM max IT(AV) ITSM (di/dt) crit (dv/dt) crit VGT IGT VT(TO) rT td tq Irr Qrr max Tj max Rth(j-h) 180° 120° F Φ Max and Pole Height
V V A kA A/µs V/µs V mA V µs µs A µC °C ²C/kW kN mm mm
ATF530 Ceramic Housing 1200 2000 1100 15.0 800 500 3.0 150 1.30 0.410 1.50 50 300 620 125 26.0/28.9 14.0/17.0 77/48 27 Poseico Industrial Market Leader
ATF744 Ceramic Housing 1200 2000 2248 43.0 1500 1000 3.5 350 1.42 0.145 1.50 50 112 600 125 11.0/12.2 40.0/50.0 119/80 35 Poseico Industrial Market Leader
ATF743 Ceramic Housing 1200 2000 2595 36.0 500 600 3.5 350 1.30 0.180 0.80 70 350 800 125 11.0/12.2 40.0/50.0 119/80 35 Poseico Industrial Market Leader
ATF633 Ceramic Housing 1600 2100 1390 17.0 400 600 3.5 350 1.30 0.320 0.80 60 195 450 125 21.0/23.4 17.0/21.0 77/48 27 Poseico Industrial Market Leader
ATF545 Ceramic Housing 2000 2500 1070 10.0 500 500 3.5 350 1.50 0.611 1.70 70 268 770 125 21.0/23.4 17.0/21.0 77/48 27 Poseico Industrial Market Leader
ATF527 Ceramic Housing 1000 1400 1230 14.6 800 500 3.5 350 1.40 0.260 1.50 25 230 650 125 26.0/28.9 14.0/17.0 77/48 27 Poseico Industrial Market Leader
ATF1047 Ceramic Housing 1000 1400 1305 16.0 500 600 3.5 350 1.32 0.230 0.60 30 230 650 125 26.0/28.9 14.0/17.0 77/48 27 Poseico Industrial Market Leader
ATF624 Ceramic Housing 1000 1400 1526 15.0 800 600 3.0 300 1.42 0.145 1.50 25.0 200 650 125 26.0/28.9 17.0/21.0 77/48 27 Poseico Industrial Market Leader
ATF820 Ceramic Housing 1200 2000 725 9.0 400 600 3.5 350 1.53 0.600 0.60 50 205 550 125 37.0/41.2 11.0/13.0 59/38.5 26 Poseico Industrial Market Leader
ATF420 Ceramic Housing 1200 2000 800 8.2 800 500 3.5 350 1.20 0.590 1.50 55 205 550 125 37.0/41.2 11.0/13.0 59/38.5 26 Poseico Industrial Market Leader
ATF1040 Ceramic Housing 1200 2000 1075 14.0 500 500 3.5 350 1.40 0.414 0.60 50 227 620 125 26.0/28.9 14.0/17.0 77/48 27 Poseico Industrial Market Leader
ATF524 Ceramic Housing 1000 1600 1055 15.0 500 600 3.5 350 1.45 0.425 0.85 35 160 320 125 26.0/28.9 14.0/17.0 77/48 27 Poseico Industrial Market Leader
ATF515 Ceramic Housing 800 1200 1330 16.0 500 600 3.5 350 1.20 0.250 0.85 25 110 160 125 24.0/26.6 14.0/17.0 77/48 27 Poseico Industrial Market Leader
ATF614 Ceramic Housing 800 1200 1355 20.0 800 600 3.5 350 1.36 0.328 0.85 20 100 120 125 21.0/23.4 17.0/21.0 77/48 27 Poseico Industrial Market Leader
ATF615 Ceramic Housing 800 1200 1625 20.0 800 600 3.5 350 1.25 0.200 0.85 25 140 230 125 21.0/23.4 17.0/21.0 77/48 27 Poseico Industrial Market Leader
ATF427 Ceramic Housing 1000 1400 846 10.0 400 500 3.5 350 1.40 0.400 0.60 30 168 330 125 37.0/41.2 11.0/13.0 59/38.5 26 Poseico Industrial Market Leader
ATF828 Ceramic Housing 1000 1600 845 10.0 400 600 3.5 350 1.30 0.450 0.60 35 180 360 125 37.0/41.2 11.0/13.0 59/38.5 26 Poseico Industrial Market Leader
ATF827 Ceramic Housing 1000 1400 900 10.0 400 600 3.5 350 1.32 0.350 0.60 25 168 330 125 37.0/41.2 11.0/13.0 59/38.5 26 Poseico Industrial Market Leader
ATF413 Ceramic Housing 800 1200 705 9.0 500 600 3.5 350 1.55 0.650 0.85 12 75 80 125 37.0/41.2 11.0/13.0 59/38.5 26 Poseico Industrial Market Leader
ATF860 Ceramic Housing 800 1200 730 7.5 400 500 3.5 350 1.64 0.520 0.60 15 140 250 125 37.0/41.2 11.0/13.0 59/38.5 26 Poseico Industrial Market Leader
ATF414 Ceramic Housing 800 1200 805 10.0 500 600 3.5 350 1.50 0.430 0.85 15 100 120 125 37.0/41.2 11.0/13.0 59/38.5 26 Poseico Industrial Market Leader
ATF857 Ceramic Housing 800 1200 830 8.5 400 500 3.5 350 1.38 0.435 0.40 25 150 300 125 37.0/41.2 11.0/13.0 59/38.5 26 Poseico Industrial Market Leader
ATF415 Ceramic Housing 800 1200 920 10.0 500 600 3.5 350 1.38 0.300 0.85 20 150 200 125 37.0/41.2 11.0/13.0 59/38.5 26 Poseico Industrial Market Leader
ATF514 Ceramic Housing 800 1200 1219 16.0 500 600 3.5 350 1.30 0.199 0.85 15 85 100 125 26.0/28.9 14.0/17.0 77/48 27 Poseico Industrial Market Leader
ATF310VT Stud Type 1400 225 (1) 6.1 200 500 3 200 1.14 0.700 5 60 - - 125 100 (2) 38/41 (3) Poseico Industrial Market Leader
ATF587 Ceramic Housing 800 1200 350 4.5 200 500 3.5 350 1.38 0.830 0.40 25 139 190 125 95.0/105.9 4.5/5.0 42/19 14.5 Poseico Industrial Market Leader
ATF585 Ceramic Housing 200 800 445 6.0 200 500 3.5 350 1.30 0.325 0.60 15 104 140 125 95.0/105.9 4.5/5.0 42/19 14.5 Poseico Industrial Market Leader

Asymmetrical Fast Switching Thyristors

Asymmetrical Fast Switching Thyristors VDRM / IDRM VRRM / IRRM IT(AV) sine wave 50 Hz Th = 55 °C ITSM sine wave 10 ms VR < 10 V (di/dt) crit Tj max (dv/dt) crit Tj max VGT Tj = 25 °C IGT Tj = 25 °C VT(TO) Tj max rT Tj max td tq VT Tj = 80 °C IT = 2000 A Tjmax Rth(j-h) souble side 180° F
V / mA V / mA A kA A/µs V/µs V mA V µs µs V °C °C/kW kN
ATA644 1355 16.0 300 500 2.5 500 1.45 300 2.20 55 3.35 125 21.0 14.0/17.0 Poseico Industrial Market Leader
ATA646 1100 14.0 300 500 2.5 500 1.40 400 2.20 55 2.35 125 26.0 14.0/17.0 Poseico Industrial Market Leader